Kinesiology, Sports Therapy,
Mind Body Medicine,Reiki & Wellbeing Coaching in the Southern Highlands
2023, 2022 & 2021 Health and Fitness Awards
** as voted by Health4You website
Hello from Sal
As a Kinesiologist, Sports Therapist, Mind Body Medicine Practitioner in the Southern Highlands. I offer online and in-clinic appointments to restore grounding, increasing mobility and balance to help you stay mentally clear, and emotionally calm. Holistic Kinesiology aims to resolve the root cause of your issue and help dissolve the linked stressors. As the former Assistant Principal, Mind Body Medicine Faculty, College of Complementary Medicine I can tailor programs specifically to you ( and your family), I offer a support system, tailor adaptive solutions for lasting change. Short courses in Health, Wellbeing, Kinesiology & Sports Therapy run regularly.
​As a Reiki Master and teacher, I offer Reiki ( both distance and in clinic) to balance energies, diffuse stress and create a positive energetic field around your body. I additionally train Reiki practitioners from Reiki I to Master level in Moss Vale.
I offer phone assistance for well-being planning and obstacle management to promote healthier choices. As General Manager for Australian Dance Vision, a National RTO in Dance training, 2009 -2013, I helped integrate nutrition and other wellness practices into National Dance qualifications. Let me assist you with your journey to wellness.
I recommend a holistic approach, looking at the whole person whilst managing the symptomatic issues and core concerns. As a professional in training since 1990 when I was employed by Price Waterhouse Coopers (then Coopers & Lybrand) as a National Training Assistant. I can create understanding and learning utilizing a pedagogy that you can easily understand and implement for lasting change.
Together we can adapt and make positive changes.
Remember, I am only a text or email away.
Love and light to you all. Sally
Health & Wellbeing Coaching
Coaching enables you to really understand your drivers for change and helps you build longer term changes. This is for people who really want to change but were unable to achieve momentum on their own. Sally provides a framework and support infrastructure to enable clients to meet their Health and Wellbeing Goals. She is your cheer squad!

One-on-one kinesiology sessions will empower you to reach your optimum potential by rebalancing your body and your over-all energy whilst providing you with a sounding board for change.

Sally works with individuals to alleviate blockages gained from stress and trauma to then empower them to bring about positive changes.

Reiki or Chakra Balance
An energetic balance that
shifts the body's energy to allow more positive energy to flow through it. This balance is a beautiful and uplifting experience.
Connect with me
Visit my blog page, insta or facebook and choose a post by the image that best reflects your journey. Then use it as a reference tool to keep you focussed, calm, and on track to achieving your goals.