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Writer's pictureSally Davis


Ganesh, 2018, Crystal Palace, Sally Davis

In researching PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) I have found scientific articles supporting the use of Mantras for PTSD. Mantras have been proven to be especially effective with military personnel and veterans. USA Veteran Affairs / Department of Defence working parties have analysed the research papers and included mantras in the 'Tool Kit for PTSD” for serving and Returned Service personnel in the USA. To date, in Australia, we do not have the funding in Natural Therapies / Natural Medicine to run similar studies however we can learn from other countries research.

The effectiveness of Mantras spills far beyond use for PTSD, Anxiety and Depression. 'Mantra practice is designed to keep us really grounded in a truthful, honest and loving place which is why it is so helpful for all of us'. M.C Yogi

To understand the effect of mantras, I partook in a guided group chant / mantra at Crystal Palace in 2018 which was incredibly peaceful and grounding. What struck me was, that within minutes, the reverberating sound in my body slowed my bio rhythms to a level of peace. The fact that I did not know what I was chanting (Buddhist mantra) allowed my mind to simply focus on repeating the words. What I have learnt from this process is to keep the mind at peace during a mantra, write the words down where you can read them and allow yourself to be lost in the unfamiliar words and rhythm of the mantra. Once you have grasped the mantra you can use beads to encourage repetitions of the mantra.

Here are my favorite websites to start your journey to peace.

Heart Mala, Beautiful Meditation Beads and the reason to meditate with 108 beads

PTSD Research Quarterly “Meditation based approach for PTSD”. Research. 2017

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Chant

A joyous Buddhist Chant for Children, Tina Turner-Saresham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra),

Tina Turner – Lotus Sutra / Purity of Mind 2H meditation with visuals



Ŧan man shāʼnṯ hoi aḏẖikāī rog kātai sūkẖ savījai. Translation: My mind and body are calm and tranquil; the disease has been cured, and now I sleep in peace.


Om Shanti Om

An ancient Vedic Mantra. Om is the sound of universe, the primordial sound. Shanti means peace in Sanskrit.

Key things to remember

Choosing a mantra the easiest way to get 'lost' in a mantra is to choose a mantra in an unfamiliar language. This way your mind is focusing on the task. Choose something short so you can repeat, repetition allows a peaceful rhythm.

Write the mantra and leave where you can easily read it

Get yourself comfortable. Choose a comfortable seated position on the ground or a mat. If you are a Yogi then choose a simple pose like Dhyana In the event that you need to be active whilst saying your mantra, try walking a labyrinth, bare foot on grass or at the beach to really ground you.

It does not matter if you forget some of the words. just restart the Mantra.

It is normal that your mind may wander, gently bring it back to the mantra.

Forget judgement. The purpose is to allow your mind a period of stillness by crowding out other thoughts by simple repetition.

Breathe - if you have not mastered the art of breathing then try

Repetition - for a short mantra say slowly about 10 - 15 times. For a longer mantra try 5 - 7 times. Mantras can be said out loud or quietly. The impact of speaking a mantra at a low rhythmic tone brings your body into harmony with your voice.

Relax If you do not find peace the first time around then try a different mantra, or if you were still add some slow repetitive movement.

The sole purpose of my sharing is to bring peace to busy minds. As always, if it works for you – keep it, if it does not work for you – try something else.

Sally xx

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